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كتاب statistical physics an introduction ( مقدمه اي بر فيزيك آماري)

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كتاب statistical physics an introduction ( مقدمه اي بر فيزيك آماري)
نام كتاب : statistical physics an introduction
نويسنده :daniel j amit- yosef verbin- rami tzafiri
انتشارات : World Scientific Publishing-1999
تعداد صفحات : 565 صفحه
حجم فايل : 2.89 مگابايت
فصول كتاب :
The Kinetic Theory of GasesVelocity and Position Distributions of Molecules in a GasBrownian MotionTransport Coefficients
Statistical Physics with ParamagnetsEssential Background in ThermodynamicsThermodynamics with Magnetic VariablesMicroscopic States and AveragesIsolated Paramagnet — Microcanonical EnsembleIsolated Paramagnet — Subsystems and TemperatureParamagnet at a Given Temperature
Statistical Physics and ThermodynamicsThe Canonical Ensemble and ThermodynamicsHarmonic Oscillator and Einstein SolidStatistical Mechanics of Classical SystemsStatistical Mechanics of an Ideal GasThe Gibbs Paradox and the Third LawFluctuations and Thermodynamic Quantities
Fluctuations and Thermodynamic QuantitiesAn Ideal Gas of Molecules with Internal Degrees of FreedomGases in Chemical ReactionsPhonon Gas and the Debye ModelThermodynamics of Electromagnetic Radiation
Of Fermions and BosonsGrand Canonical EnsembleStatistical Mechanics of Identical Quantum ParticlesElectrical Conductivity in MetalsBoson Gas

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كتاب statistical physics an introduction ( مقدمه اي بر فيزيك آماري)

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