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An Analytical Study of MITM Attack in VANETs

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An Analytical Study of MITM Attack in VANETs
نوع فایل:PDF
تعداد صفحات :8
سال انتشار : 1395
Vechiular ad-hoc network ( VANET ) is developing advanced technology to achieve progressin the transport industry and road safety.VANET using a wireless technology to connect tothe server to get the necessary information for all activites and this connection provides away for some of the attacks in wireless network. Wireless networks are vulnerable because ofthe use of wireless communication, multiple attacks on these networks is to implement someof these attacks using routing topology , malicious nod , Denial of Service ( DoS ) and MITMAttack ( Man in the Middle ).
واژگان کلیدی
Vehicular ad-hoc network ( VANET ), Intelligent transportation system (ITS) ,Security Attack , MITM Attack

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