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Experimental investigation of static behavior of self consolidating concrete shells made by poly-propylene fibers

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Experimental investigation of static behavior of self consolidating concrete shells made by poly-propylene fibers
نوع فایل :PDF
تعداد صفحات :8
سال انتشار :1395
Shells are one of the most abundant and the most diverse types of structural forms that are found in our physical world. Based on engineering sciences, Shell structures are one of the highest forms of structures and they are made from different materials, for instance concrete. They have different utilization, including: shell covering roofs, water tanks, dams, bridges, tunnels wall and etc. Also use of self-Compacting Concrete as a fluid concrete with a high ability to transport and fullering in the recent years has increased, which can be compacted due to the effect of its weight and the ability of no requirement to mechanical compression in the massive concrete with high densities of reinforcement. In addition the use of fibers can improve some dynamical and mechanical properties of concrete. Due to these reasons, in this study effect of poly-propylene fibers on Static behavior of shells made of self-Compacting Concrete was investigated. For this purpose, samples of arc shells with different percentage of poly-propylene fibers and reinforcement was made and was examined under loading pressure. Survey of experiment results reveals that However, adding compressive strength fiber decrease concrete modulus elasticity, but tensile strength of concrete is increased and it inhibits rapid expansion of cracks. With increase in the percentage of fibers the ultimate bearing capacities of arch significantly increase. In conclusion, use of fibers in self-Compacting concrete is an excellent alternative for reinforcement in arcs because of expensive cost of reinforcement in arcs and its Time consuming process. These results require further investigation on variety of shells and their design methods.
واژگان کلیدی
Shell, Arch, self consolidating Concrete, poly-propylene fibers, Static behavior

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#️⃣ برچسب های فایل Experimental investigation of static behavior of self consolidating concrete shells made by poly-propylene fibers

Experimental investigation of static behavior of self consolidating concrete shells made by poly-propylene fibers

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