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Meeting Standards Through Integrated Curriculum

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Meeting Standards Through Integrated Curriculum
About This Book
Many schools under pressure to meet new standards of learning mistakenly believe that they must adopt a narrow curriculum that imposes strict boundaries on what students are taught. In this book, Susan Drake and Rebecca Burns address this issue by offering strategies for synchronizing standards across the disciplines. At the heart of the book is the KNOW/DO/BE framework, which teachers can use to ensure a curriculum that is both rigorous and relevant to K-12 students at all stages of proficiency. Among other things, this comprehensive framework allows teachers to
Map curricula
Scan and cluster standards
Develop assessments and guiding questions
Align integrated instructional strategies and assessments
Though the authors draw much of their data from research on integration, their focus is on analyzing the real-life experiences of teachers who have successfully integrated their curricula in the service of accountability. The many benefits of this approach that the authors explore include lower absenteeism, fewer behavioral problems, and higher rates of homework completion. By combining case studies with a wealth of supporting research, Meeting Standards Through Integrated Curriculum offers teachers a user-friendly system for meeting standards while advancing broad-based learning
> Printed in the United States of America. Cover art copyright © 2004 by ASCD.

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