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دریافت کتاب درس کاربرد کامپیوتر در آموزش زبان
به تعداد 52 صفحه pdf
  توجه فرمایید این فایل تماما به زبان اصلی می باشد.
شامل مباحث زیر می باشد.
IntroductionAn overview of the ICT in language learning 4
Chapter 1TEACHING LANGUAGES TODAY: WHY USE ICT IN LANGUAGE LEARNING1.1 Keeping up with the world 1.2 Bringing variety to your work 1.3 Breaking the routine 1.4 Getting new experience 1.5 Being creative 1.6 Meeting your learners 
Chapter 2TUTORING IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE TEACHING2.1. Ready to use platforms 2.2. Use of Other Web-based resources
Chapter 3PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF TECHNOLOGICALLY ENHANCED LEARNING3.1 Why ist tell different from what you have experienced so far in traditional face-to-face learning 3.2 How does the motivation in tell differ from the traditional learning process? 3.3 Why can tell be problematic for my learners? 3.4 Which factors will influence the sucess of our learners in tell?3.5 Will tell cater for all learning styles of my learners? 3.6 How can you support your learners multiple intillegences in tell? 3.7 How can learners stay in touch with you or with other learners 
Chapter 4HOW TO IMPLEMENT TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED TEACHING4.1 What do you have to know before starting use of ICT? 4.2 What support can you expect from your Institution? 4.3 What to know if you initiate ICT teaching in your school 4.4 What are the practical ways of implementing ICT in language classroom? 4.4.1 What are the minimum requirements for technology enhanced teaching?4.4.2 Using technological resources available4.4.2.1 If you have access to a word processor4.4.2.2 If you have access to a computer classroom If the Internet connection is available4.4.2.4. If you plan the Internet-based project work 4.5 How to prepare yourself for tutoring 
توجه فرمایید این فایل تماما به زبان اصلی می باشد.

👇 تصادفی👇

FSI GERMAN FASTقالب زیبای پاورپوینتکتاب بررسی فیزیولوژی در گیاهان گل دار (نهان دانگان)تعيين موقعيت عيوب هندسي در ورقهاي نازك براساس انتشار امواج الاستيكRing 10فرآيند برنامه ريزي آموزش كاركنانقسمت اول فصل 6 سریال Game of Thrones( با کیفیت HD بدون سانسور به همراه فایل زیر نویس فارسی ) ✅فایل های دیگر✅

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