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Chemistry: An Atoms-Focused Approach

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Chemistry: An Atoms-Focused Approach
Title: Chemistry: An Atoms-Focused Approach | Author(s): Thomas R. Gilbert, Rein V. Kirss, Stacey Lowery Bretz, Natalie Foster | Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company | Year: 2017 | Edition: 2nd | Language: English | Pages : 1256 | Size: 100 MB | Extension: pdf
Not just Atoms-First, Atoms-Focused. An atoms-first text and media program that goes beyond a reorganization of topics, emphasizes the particulate nature of matter throughout the book, art, and problems, and helps students develop their molecular visualization skills as they learn to become expert problem-solvers. The Second Editions new co-author, Stacey Lowery Bretz, uses visualization tools―based on Chemistry Education Research, and focused on the particulate nature of matter―to help students self-assess what they know before, during, and after each chapter. Smartwork5 allows instructors to use this pedagogy as a diagnostic, and students receive hints and answer-specific feedback within the text. New ChemTour Animations support visualization at a molecular level, and are integrated throughout the media package.

👇 تصادفی👇

گزارش كارآموزي در كارخانه شيرگزارش کار آزمایشگاه سیالاتبررسی رابطه سرمایه اجتماعی و انگیزه پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشجویان دانشگاه پیام نور پاکدشت wordشعرای بلخ یا شعر فارسی در ام البلادبه صورت حرفه ای آموزش زبان را یاد بگیریدپاورپوینت منطق فازی در مطالعات شهریپایان نامه نقاط c*-فرین wordسوالات تستي كتاب فنون یادگیری پایدار (پودمان تعلیم و تربیت در خانواده)10 طرح توجیهی در زمینه تولید بسته نهم ✅فایل های دیگر✅

#️⃣ برچسب های فایل Chemistry: An Atoms-Focused Approach

Chemistry: An Atoms-Focused Approach

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